V košarico Hitri ogled Details Adam Hall Cables K3 DGH 0600 Cena 14,00 € DMX Kabel XLR male 5 Pol auf XLR female 5 Pol 6 m
V košarico Hitri ogled Details Adam Hall Cables K4 IPP 0900 Cena 19,70 € Instrumentenkabel REAN 6,3 mm Klinke Mono auf 6,3 mm Klinke Mono 9 m
V košarico Hitri ogled Details copy of Lacomba by Sanchez AS-L450F... Cena 35,90 € Lacomba by Sanchez AS L400 KonzertgitarreDecke: Fichte massiv Boden & Zarge: Mahagoni
V košarico Hitri ogled Details Adam Hall Connectors Adapter 6.3mm... Cena 2,44 € Adapter 6.35 mm stereo jack plug to 3.5 mm stereo jack plug
V košarico Hitri ogled Details Adam Hall Cables K5 MFP 1000 Cena 30,97 € Mikrofonkabel Neutrik XLR female auf 6,3 mm Klinke mono 10 m
V košarico Hitri ogled Details Adam Hall Cables K3 DGH 1500 Cena 32,18 € DMX Kabel XLR male 5 Pol auf XLR female 5 Pol 15 m
V košarico Hitri ogled Details Allen & Heath ZEDi-10 Cena 259,00 € 10-Kanal Hybrid-Kompakt-Mixer mit USB-Interface
V košarico Hitri ogled Details IK Multimedia iRig 2 Cena 48,90 € Gitarren Interface Adapter für iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, MAC und Android